Monday, September 24, 2012

Jeanie Dreams of Me

It’s not the solitude of a monk,
more of a butterfly I’d imagine.
It’s a tree alone like a monk in the mind
of a butterfly, or a butterfly that thinks
like a monk-fish on the line
of a prioress
or monk.
Keeping in mind silence,
even monks
have to sweep the floor
or water vegetables in the garden,
a spell which must have been broken
by thoughts of dirt—or water...
and here comes a little tune:
Keep it down a little, will you?
Deep in Brooklyn, Jeanie is dreaming
of Sinatra audio masters dregged from the bottom of Gowanus.
They emerge tarnished like Spanish bullion from the sea.
Her bedside turntable sports a negative needle
for playing the masters ad infinitum, turning on and off
my turned-on master.
“Start spreading the news...”
from high-rise window cleaners to deep sea divers
who have a way of dispelling these vagabond blues.
Under a weight equal to Mt. Kenya,
they hold their breath for a stretch
of time unimaginable to landlubbers,
the soundless sound of which makes divers
among fish the greatest con artists in the world.
See them waving to tuna and mackerel,
taking a bow to the roar of a million fins clapping.
Then nothing—
not a bubble out of them for years,
while on land the a cappella chorus of porcine grunts
swirls above the rooftops like a wind slamming windows,
saving houses from the leaves
falling madly to the ground.


  1. this is so beautiful, Jen Jie. Thank you for sharing it. Eleonora

  2. Trying to reconnect with the Jenny Li I spent the summer of 1993 with at St. John's College-- is this you? I hope so. If so, email me at If not, have a great day and keep creating. We always need more artists in the world.
